ACT & SAT Preparation

Premium, Cost-Effective ACT & SAT Preparation


Raise your score!  Gain admission to the college of your dreams & obtain more scholarship money.  Learn how to score higher on the ACT!

Data & Results

View the data we have collected from a number of Ohio high schools.

Student Testimonials

Here are some comments we’ve received from some of our seminar attendees.

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Almost every Ohio student now takes the ACT.  Securing a good score can assure graduation, qualify students for CCP opportunities, &, perhaps, most importantly, help students gain admission to college & obtain essential financial aid.

Our six-hour preparation seminar helps demystify the ACT by explaining

  • its structure
  • the academic content covered on it, &
  • testing & time management strategies students can employ to maximize their performance on the test.

Students learn specific, tangible strategies to answer more questions correctly, how to decipher questions designed to thwart their performance, & specific academic content that is regularly tested on the ACT.

Each participant gets

  • a comprehensive, 400-page, reference workbook
  • online access to over 1000 additional practice test questions
  • free, live, phone-in, pre-test tutoring.

Next Level Prep is Ohio’s leader in ACT preparation.  We currently work with over 60 Ohio high schools & thousands of students (urban, suburban, & small town/rural) each year around the state.  Our typical students see a 2.0 to 2.5 composite point increase on the ACT after taking our seminar. 

Engaging instructors who score consistently at high levels in student evaluations

Our presenters are world class, using state-of-the-art teaching techniques, a mixture of hands-on instruction, discussion, student discovery, & lecture. We are student-centered & work with students to overcome learning barriers. Our presenters consistently obtain 94%-plus A ratings from students.

Students emerge justifiably confident—with decidedly less anxiety—about their prospects on the test.

More about Next Level Prep ACT Preparation Seminars…

The day-long, six-hour seminar typically is held at school during a school day.  In this manner, we can attract a maximum number of students, thereby affecting the school’sACT profile while keeping the cost per student at a minimum.  In addition to the interactive PowerPoint presentation, we provide each participant with a comprehensive, 400-page workbook that reviews testing strategies and academic content as well as includes sample tests with detailed answers and access to significant additional online practice assessments.  We also support students with free, live, call-in tutoring during the week before each national ACT test administration.

Next Level Prep also can combine college application guidance & ACT preparation into one day-long seminar for students.  The college admissions segment includes approximately 50 minutes of instruction aimed at what college admissions officers look for as they read through applications and how students can present themselves to maximize their chances for successful consideration.  One of our founders served on a major, Ivy-type university admissions committee.  So, we understand the elements of applications, what criteria colleges seek, how they discern applicant attributes from application folders, and what students need to include in their folders to present themselves in a complete, accurate, and positive manner—especially in this increasingly-competitive admissions environment.

We already are working with over 60 Ohio high schools, including Hudson, Stow, Massillon Jackson, Strongsville, New Albany, Gahanna Lincoln, Columbus South, Ft. Hayes HS, St. Charles, Clayton Northmont, Tippecanoe, & Dawson-Bryant among many others.

Our prices are quite affordable.  Between a school contribution & per student tuition, the total cost is well under $100 per student.  Because we typically attract a large number of students to our in-school seminars, we can keep the price at an affordable level.


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